
hhpy.ds.df_split(df: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame, split_by: Union[List[str], str], return_type: str = 'dict', print_key: bool = False, sep: str = '_', key_sep: str = '==') → Union[list, dict][source]

Split a pandas DataFrame by column value and returns a list or dict

  • df – pandas DataFrame to be split
  • split_by – Column(s) to split by, creates a sub-DataFrame for each level
  • return_type – one of [‘list’, ‘dict’], if list returns a list of sub-DataFrame, if dict returns a dictionary with each level as keys
  • print_key – whether to include the column names in the key labels
  • sep – separator to use in the key labels between columns
  • key_sep – separator to use in the key labels between key and value

see return_type